Why We Don’t Celebrate Mother’s Day

Hello lovelies,

All across the country countless numbers of families celebrate one day a year for each mothers and fathers, respectfully labeled Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. I remember growing up there was only one restaurant deemed appropriate to take your mother on this day, a restaurant in the middle of a state park that has a fried chicken buffet meal that is the only thing they offer on Sundays consisting of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, chicken and dumplings, and traditional southern sides.

For the better part of twenty years I partook in this yearly tradition, but when I moved away at 22, got married and had my first child at 24 I knew I did not want to celebrate these Hallmark holidays with my new family.

I am already with my kids every day and I know they appreciate me, I don’t need a specific, day dedicated by society where they feel they need to appreciate me even more. I feel the only day my husband and I should have like that is our birthdays, and mine coincidentally falls in Mother’s Day week, and every four years, it is the same day. This is our biggest reason for not celebrating, its not fair to my husband or our kids to have the extra pressure to make two days in one week special or one day extra special.

Do what works for you but this is what works for us. Anyone else not celebrate certain holidays?

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